
Exhibitions / encounters / investigations / audio-works / radio-works / installations / collaborations / writings / expeditions / duets / songlines / lost volumes / fieldguides / gatherings / gardens / stitchings / eeries

Bitter Walk Wind Sing / Breakwater Procession Ostend / June 29 / 2024

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Procession / Return Retrace Replant / 2023 / MIddelheim Museum

The Virtues / 2023 / twelve banners that make up the Midwife’s Middelheim Herball / Procession / Return Retrace Replant / Middelheim Museum

The Irregulars / 2023 / four banners of notable midwives, herb-women and unlicensed physicians / Procession / Return Retrace Replant Middelheim Museum

Maaij Claesje banner, Louisa Mvemve banner, Jane Sharp banner, Jeanne Baret banner

The Ambulatory Library / 2023 / five banners with text from the work Dear Savin, Roughe Herb / Return Retrace Replant Procession Middelheim Museum

Thomasine Lockyear Did Take Rue To Rid Herself of Child / 2023 / banner / Return Retrace Replant Procession Middelheim Museum

Company Ghost / 2023 / banner / Return Retrace Replant Procession Middelheim Museum

Pockets for Midwives / 2023 / set of 20 / Return Retrace Replant Procession Middelheim Museum

Pockets for Paulshoek / 2023 / set of 20 / Fieldguide Gathering Paulshoek / April 2023

Dear Savin, Roughe Herb / 2023 / audio letter / Morris and Broeckmeyer / one of a four-part series Belly Full of Blind Highways / Kaap and Dear,…

Pockets for Guiné / 2022 / set of 20 / Fieldguide Gathering / An Ambiguous Tale / Middelheim Museum

A Recipé for Savin Pills / 2022 / three garment-recipés for Sabina juniperus