Strain Against the Archives / Fieldguide Gathering / Cape Town Medical Museum / April 2023
A polyvocal reading of Fieldguide 1, Unpick, Restitch: Doilies, medorahs and labouring plants with orlando, Nadia Kamies and ten voices

There, Listening / Fieldguides Gathering / Paulshoek Kamiesberg / April 2023
A three-day gathering in namaqualand around Fieldguide 3 with guides Joshua cohen and JoHanna lot

Rooted Encounters / Ambulatory Libraries / Fieldguide Gathering / Middelheim Museum / November 2022
polyvocal reading of Fieldguide 2 with orlando, rachel o’donnell and 15 voices

Gather, A Rehearsal / Netwerk Aalst / March 2022
A Reading with the Bodies in the medicinal garden of ‘t Gasthuys.

On March 25 the Bodies gathered at the ancient medicinal garden of the museum ‘ Gasthuys, Aalst, for a reading-as-rehearsal of Rachel O’Donnell’s essay Apacina: a Contemporary Herbal and Ambiguous Tale, soon to be published in the series Fieldguides for a Preternaturalist. Readers were Pieternel Vermoortel, Brunilda Pali, Vanessa Müller, Lucile Desamory, Nele Möller and Wendy Morris. The event was a part of the Bodies project of Netwerk Aalst. The Fieldguides are a part of the Nothing of Importance project of Wendy Morris.