Manuscript is a work in progress. When completed it will comprise eleven cloth folders containing an archive of the Procession at Middelheim Museum and a set of Protocols for Future Processions.

Folder 0 : A set of Protocols for Future Processions & Letter to the Librarian

Folder 1 : Avant-lecture One / Abortive plants and breakdown of transmission

Folder 2 : Avant-lecture Two / The Irregulars / Jeanne Baret / Louisa Mvemve / Jane Sharp / Maaij Claesje

Folder 3 : Avant-lecture Three / The Company

Folder 4 : Herball for a Midwife / Virtues / Savin / Mugwort / Rue / Black Nightshade / Vulvaria / Arssmart

Folder 5 : Herball for a Midwife / Carrot / Artemisia / Pennyroyal / Motherwort / Tansy / Capsella

Folder 6 : Pockets

Folder 7 : Procession / entourages / scenario / route / costumes

Folder 8 : Banners / Influences / Suffragettes and Mary Lowndes / Lorina Bulwer / Big banners

Folder 9 : Banners / Ambulatory Library / Ghosts / Virtues / little banner

Folder 10 : Transmission / Radio Hush Hush / Dear Savin audio letter / A Hysterie of Guiné Weed and Sorrow Seed / Fieldguides